Because of you, we support global & local missions partners.
Generosity changes lives – our lives & the people we are reaching.
Take action by giving to missions at Celebration Church.

For more info email: missions@celebrationchurch.tv

  • Kenya

    We have established Celebration Church - Kenya by partnering with 6 churches in the greater Kisii area.  The campuses reach over 900 children and adults.  We also support the church's orphanage caring for nearly 70 orphans.


    By meeting basic needs, we have the opportunity to show the love of Jesus in our communities. Projects range from back to school supplies to Easter meals.


    It is amazing how much impact we can have on others by giving a little of our time and treasure.  Change your life and those of hungry kids today by being part of the Celebration Church Local Missions Serve – Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack. 

    Registration for this event starts in early September.

    If you are interested in participating in the planning and preparation for this event, contact Keith Schommer at keiths@celebrationchurch.tv or 920-406-2543

  • Bolivia – Child Sponsorship through Compassion International

    We have partnered with Compassion International focusing on 2 local churches in Bolivia.  These churches have over 150 kids who we are desiring to love and support through sponsorship.  Sponsoring a child provides them with food, health care, schooling, the message of Jesus, and so much more.  If you would like to help impact the kids in this specific area scroll down to see some of the kids you could sponsor.

  • MYANMAR – Love children home

    We have partnered with Love Children Home, an orphanage in Myanmar. This home cares for more than 150 orphans, and numerous Bible College students who often go on to plant churches throughout Myanmar.


    It's about demonstrating God's love, announcing his kingdom, seeing Jesus in the least of our brothers and sisters, offering a cup of water in Jesus' name and proclaiming his gospel, the living water. Join us as we join with other believers in providing fresh water for villages that have no healthy source for clean water.


    We support Jimmie Bratcher, "The Electric Rev," as he reaches out with his Blues Band into prisons, the Sturgis South Dakota Motorcycle Rally, and many other venues and festivals around the US. 


    ARC is an association of relational churches working with church planters and church church leaders to provide support, guidance and resources to launch and grow life-giving churches. Celebration Church proudly supports the work of ARC in building churches throughout the U.S. 

Bolivia – Child Sponsorship through Compassion International

National and International Relief

If you would like to support a national/international disaster relief effort, please consider partnering with Samaritans Purse.  Samaritans Purse has the experience and infrastructure to effectively respond to disasters. 




Thank you for your generous support of Missions here at Celebration Church.  Interested in contributing? 
Click below and select the fund “Missions”.